LETTER: Thank you to Yogi Crowe Fund

by Sep 3, 2015OPINIONS0 comments


I want to thank the Yogi Crowe Memorial Scholarship Fund (YCMSF) for awarding me with financial assistance this fall semester. My name is Nelson Lambert, and I from the Birdtown community. My parents are Patrick and Cyndi Lambert. My wife is Kimberly Lambert. This marks my last year of law school. I plan on graduating next May and taking the North Carolina Bar Exam in July.

The monies I have received from the YCMSF will allow me the opportunity to continue down my path of building relationships in the Indian law community throughout the United States. As the Public Relations Director of the National Native American Law Students Association (NNASLA), I am required to travel to two mandatory meetings each year. One, at the Michigan State University School of Law in October, and another at the annual Federal Bar Convention on Indian Law in Arizona in the spring, which is where NNALSA elects its new board members and area representatives. The YCMSF will assure that funding for my NNALSA travel needs will be met.

Thank you to those on the Board of the YCMSF for this award, and a big thanks to the late Mr. Crowe himself. Mr. Crowe’s family should be very proud and know that his legacy is an inspiration to those of us pursuing an advanced degree for the betterment of our Tribe.


P. Nelson Lambert