LETTER: CMS seeks to foster relationships

by Sep 3, 2015OPINIONS0 comments


Dear Parents and Community Members:

It has been a great beginning to a new semester here at the Cherokee Middle School.  One thing that would make it even more awesome is reviving a parent teacher organization.  In the past it was known as Parents in education or PIE.

The Middle School is focused on fostering the relationship between parents, teachers and students.  One way to achieve this is to have an organization to voice ideas.  The intention is to come up with goals from involved individuals and to put them into action.  The Super 5 is a toolkit that we will be reviewing as a model for PTO.  It is a program created by Scholastic and is a helpful resource in assisting student’s education.

We would like to welcome all Middle School parents, School Board Members, and community members to our first meeting scheduled for Sept. 21 at 5pm at the Cherokee Middle School Conference Room.  Refreshments will be served and we will be drawing for door prizes.  We are looking forward to this meeting!  If you have any questions feel free to call me or our School Social Worker, Monica Wildcatt, 554-5026.


Joel Creasman,

Cherokee Middle School Assistant Principal