Chief Hicks names top initiatives for FY13

by Nov 20, 2012Front Page, NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments

Principal Chief Michell Hicks has organized his top initiatives for the Fiscal Year 2013. These initiatives were developed by the executive staff and have integrated comments and concerns from community members. The administration will work diligently to address each of these initiatives to improve the tribal community. Chief Hicks welcomes any comments concerning this list and invites any tribal member with ideas or concerns to contact him.

Top 11 Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2013

  1. Concentrate efforts to minimize the impact of illicit drug use and sale affecting Tribal families and communities.
  2. Inspire a greater appreciation for lifelong learning and encourage diversified career choices for Tribal member of all ages.
  3. Promote awareness of Cherokee identity through focused interactions and practices with a desire to educate and promote our Tribal customs, history and values.
  4. Provide a centralized housing system that coordinates need-based housing that is convenient, safe and affordable.
  5. Preserve strong relationships with state and federal policy makers without compromising sovereignty.
  6. Encourage members to make good choices that improve their health and well-being and support each member by providing a comprehensive healthcare system.
  7. Actively engage elders’ participation in life-long activities, services and wisdom sharing.
  8. Refine a family wellness system that prioritizes the safety of children and protects the integrity of families.
  9. Provide strategically planned infrastructure that supports technology, economic and community development.
  10. Enhance, sustain and protect wildlife and natural resources through proper management plans and conservation practices.
  11. Exercise self-determination by managing sound financial systems that invest in a diversified and sustainable future.

– Lynne Harlan/EBCI Public Relations