Tribal Council Agenda – Thursday, May 6

by Apr 28, 2010NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments


All individuals who have issues before Tribal Council need to contact TOP at 497-1036 to verify the times of their scheduled items.  If Council is running ahead, the individual(s) need to be prepared to present before Council earlier than the designated time.

 ***Indicates timed item, individual has been notified at this specific time to be present

8:30 a.m. – Reports & Announcements

***9:10 a.m. – Request for time – Renissa Walker – Tribal Elders desire to address Council regarding Kituwah Mound

***9:20 a.m. – Request for time – P-nut Crowe – Cherokee Youth Olympics

***9:30 a.m. – Request for time – Janell Rattler – 2010 Cherokee Life Senior Game participants 

***9:40 a.m. – Request for time – Terri Taylor – Housing issue

***9:50 a.m. – Tabled Res. No. 249 – Mary Ann Thompson – Amdt. to Res. No. 622 (99) regarding addition of “slabs/foundations” etc.  (Item No. 1)

***10:00 a.m. – Resolution recognizing enrolled member William C. Jordan – Tribal Elder and former POW   (Item No. 2)

***10:10 a.m. – Tabled Res. No. 250 – Carolyn Long Mintz desires to trade property in Cherokee County for property in Wolftown that has right-of-way & water access  (Item No. 3)

***10:20 a.m. – Tabled Res. No. 257 – Agreement to division of Woodrow W. Lossiah (d) heirs without signature of four heirs  (Item No. 4)

***10:30 a.m. – Tabled Res. No. 273 – Anona Lambert & Frieda Brown request ordinance to cease Tribal enrollment (with exception of newborns to two-year old) until Enrollment Audit is complete  (Item No. 5)

***10:40 a.m. – Quitclaim for Wolftown Community Parcel No. 612 in favor of Shawn Crowe be approved without signature of Gilbert Crowe, Jr.   (Item No. 6)

***10:50 a.m. – Last will & testament of Charles Clinton Ledford (d)  (Item No. 7)

***11:00 a.m. – Anita D. Ellwood requests Council assistance in obtaining right-of-way  in Big Cove Community  (Item No. 8)

***11:10 a.m. – Transfers between Leona J. Wolfe (d) and heirs of Rachel B. Lance (d) be approved without signature of Leona J. Wolfe (d) in accord with her last will & testament  (Item No. 9)

***11:20 a.m. – Assignment of property to Thelma K. Bird, Rebecca Paz-Chalacha, Regina Dawn Bird from Leona J. Wolfe (d)  (Item No. 10) 

***11:30 a.m. – Request from Billy Jack Hicks for agreement to division for William Wade Hicks (d) heirs be approved without signatures of Tonya H. Hernandez and Candace A. Hicks  (Item No. 11) 

***11:40 a.m. – Request from Lawanda Sue M. French for transfer of possessory interest proceed  without signatures of Karen F. Browning, Edwin L. French, and Michael R. French  (Item No. 12) 

***1:00 p.m. – Res. No. 205 amended that Aileen Taylor Green shall be assigned Boyd Taylor’s interest in Wolftown Community Parcel No. 1275, containing 1.212 acres, more or less  (Item No. 13)

***1:10 p.m. –  Brenda N. Oocumma assigned reversionary interest in 3200 Acre Tract Comm. Parcel No. 176-A, containing 0.893 acres, more or less  (Item No. 14)

1:20 p.m. – Request for in-depth rate study and analysis of power provided by Duke Energy to Qualla Boundary residents and Tribal entities  (Item No. 15)

1:30 p.m. – Resolution to adopt and become participant Tribe in Tribal Emergency Mutual Aid Compact  (Item No. 16)

***1:40 p.m. – Amended bylaws for VOC  (Item No. 17)

1:50 p.m. – Council authorize Principal Chief to sign on behalf of EBCI all documentation required by NIGC  (Item No. 18)

2:00 p.m. – TBE/TGC Joint Class II Committee authorized to access necessary financing to fund land acquisitions and purchase properties to prepare for possible Class II or other Tribally-approved projects in Cherokee County for purpose of increasing net distributable income and per capita distribution  (Item No. 19)

2:10 p.m. – Fire Insurance Districts established in order for Tribe to earn better insurance rates  (Item No. 20)

 2:20 p.m. – Cherokee Pedestrian Master Plan  (Item No. 21)

 2:30 p.m. – Tabled Ordinances

 –         Tabled Ord. No. 160 – Business Background Checks  (Item No. 22)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 215 – Hunting & Fishing Ord. Amdts. submitted by Teresa McCoy  (Item No. 23)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 216  – Elections Ord. Amdts.  (Item No. 24)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 274 – Syllabary Translation Ord.  (Item No. 25)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 275 – Tribal Business Preference Law Amdts. (Item No. 26)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 276 – Criminal Law Amdts.  (Item No. 27)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 277 – Enrollment Ord. Amdts.  (Item No. 28)

–         Tabled Ord. No. 278 – Public Records Ord. Amdts.  (Item No. 29)

Ordinances to be assigned number, deemed read, and tabled for 25-day period 

 –         Business Background Checks Amdt.  (Item No. 30)

–         Utilities Ord. Amdt.  (Item No. 31)

–         Hunting & Fishing Ord. Amdts.  (Item No. 32)

–         Sex Offenders Registration Ord. Amdts.  (Item No. 33)   

–         Elected Officials Ethics Ordinance  (Item No. 34)