Center for Native Health announces MedCaT scholarships for area students

by Aug 23, 2022COMMUNITY sgadugi0 comments

The Center for Native Health provides scholarships to MedCaT students across western North Carolina and recently announced the most recent awardees.

The Medical Careers and Technology Pipeline, also known as MedCaT, has given $26,000 in scholarships to 13 students across western North Carolina. The MedCaT program works to support and encourage American Indian and 1st Generation Appalachian students’ pathways into health and biomedical science fields. These students participate in either one or both MedCaT Summer Academies, which are one-week intensive camps. This year summer camps were held at Western Carolina University from June 26 through July 2; and Wake Forest University from July 24-29.

During their summer academy experience, students stay on the university’s campus and experience hands-on group activities while learning about different health and biomedical science professions. Scholarship recipients include Julia Layno, Paytyn Barker, Aria Foerst and Roxi Bark of Cherokee high school; Carter Burchfield and Memory Frapp of Robbinsville high school; Cristi Kongmanychanh of Smoky Mountain high school; Rachel Gibby of Andrews high school; Vivian Ross of Rabun Gap-Nacoochee school; Melah Mathews of Swain high school; Emma Breeden of Franklin high school; Mackensey Franklin of Jackson County Early College; Kaliya Wachacha of A.C. Reynolds.

For additional information about MedCaT, please reach out to Director of Programming Madison Leatherwood at or visit

  • Center for Native Health release