SPEAKING OF FAITH: Fear of missing out (FOMO)

by Feb 24, 2025OPINIONS0 comments

By Lamont H. Fuchs, Ed.D.

(author of “Preacher Spurs”, Christian Faith Publishing, Meadville, Pa., 2022)


Scripture reference Romans 4:1-16

Have you ever seen any of the Scared Straight documentaries on TV? Some programs still exist that use hard-core prisoners to scare troubled youth. The local sheriffs take the boys and girls into real prisons to see and talk with murderers and rapists about the harsh realities of life in prison and what they can expect if they stay on their path of crime and misbehavior. The documentary-type programs say it works on a percentage of those who go through the day-long verbal and mental abuse from actual prisoners inside. The self-proclaimed tough ones learn there are consequences of disobedience to the law. Someone is waiting for them that is always tougher, and fear is real. The truth about these programs is that they don’t always work. (Scheff 2016) Fear of the outcome lasts for only so long. Does the prospect of hell scare people to Jesus? Yes, for a few who have been there. Jesus talked of hell more than He spoke of heaven. How about the other fear tactic standard, “You aren’t promised tomorrow; you could get killed on the way home.” Does anything ALWAYS work?

Our plans are not God’s plans. Even Jesus did not win every person He met to believe in Him. We do what we can to plant the seeds of obedience and faith and then pray for the Spirit to do the rest. That’s what we are called to do. We are the fishermen – the Spirit is the soul catcher. Our battle is against the principalities of a world and satan pulling down people with sin. And he has been doing that for much longer than we have been trying to lead a good church program. He has powerful tools and is well-equipped with a game plan that is tested and proven.

But…our God is stronger! He has defeated satan from the beginning to the end. We are on the winning team. Amen? Amen!

If people have the FOMO, how about we change that to a FOMO on the blessings of heaven?

Satan has been bombarding our society with the destruction of the family, and belonging, not just with each other but the entire church family. The church should be a family with genuine relationships, including worship and devotion to a real God and Life Everlasting. People are looking for unity—a place to belong.

Few churches excel at discipleship education and experiences.  We must teach the expectations of being faithful and loving to those around us. I’m not talking about a school atmosphere but a family atmosphere built on love and trust. In that whole-church concept, we must develop the talents and gifts given to our family with opportunities to use them and share them with the entire church. Think of Acts when people met in homes instead of segregated rooms. Our churches should create an environment of everyone worshipping together instead of segregated youth, college-aged, professionals, young married, retired, and elderly groups.

Want to learn a culture and how to speak a foreign language? The church is unfamiliar and alien to many not raised there from birth. Immerse them in the culture, and assimilate their time and energy into church activities and relationships with other Christians. Create a community of people with the unity of the Holy Spirit.

I know this is not a unique concept of what a perfect church might look like, but we fail to do our best if we are not trying to create this environment of unity, love, and respect for our fellow Christians. We ask God to join us much too often. We need to join Him using the plan He developed. Jesus is the root vine; God is the tender of His vineyard. We are the shoots to make fruit.

Lord, God, and Father, we praise Your name. Remind us each day how You are the perfector of unity. Even the Hosts of the Trinity are a constant reminder of unity in One. Jesus, You have asked everyone to come to You united in one Spirit and one family, in one faith. Show us how to gather into one church without division or separation. Bring us together as Your church, a family of Christians living for You.