One Feather Intern
Note: It should be noted that the following defendant has only been charged with the crimes listed and should be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
CHEROKEE, N.C.- Travis Climbingbear, 44, pleaded not guilty to all charges brought against him at his arraignment in Cherokee Tribal Court on Monday, July 15. Charges were filed May 13, and Climbingbear was arrested May 17 and placed under a $2,000 bond.
The arrest came after allegations were made against Climbingbear involving his public safety course at Cherokee Indian High School.
All but three of the original eight charges have been dismissed.
The remaining three charges are:
24CR9709 Offensive touching
24CR9710 Assault on a female
24CR9711 Contributing to the delinquency, undiscipline, neglect, or abuse of minors
Climbingbear’s attorney, Chris Willians, requested a motion for dismissal of the remaining charges. Judge Monty Beck declined to hear the dismissal, citing an already busy court day. He informed Williams that he could request a dismissal on a later date. Climbingbear’s bench trial is currently scheduled for Oct. 23.