Blankenship Joins Arizona Secretary of State’s Office

by Jun 12, 2024COMMUNITY sgadugi0 comments

Special to the One Feather


The Arizona Office of the Secretary of State has announced the appointment of Tevis Blankenship as its new administrator overseeing operations of the Archives & Records Management Branch at the Arizona State Library, Archives, & Public Records.

Blankenship, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians from Kolanvyi (Big Cove) currently makes his home in Phoenix after relocating in 2018 to pursue his degrees of higher education at Arizona State University (ASU).

With over a decade of experience in records management, Blankenship is dedicated to enhancing efficiency while preserving history and ensuring compliance and accessibility. In his previous role as Records Supervisor for the Arizona State University Police Department, Tevis also served as President on the Board of Directors for a non-profit organization designed to advocate for best practices and professional development for records managers throughout Arizona.

In addition to his full-time role with the State of Arizona, Blankenship also serves as the managing director of Raven Rock Strategy Group, LLC, a family-owned and operated consulting practice that provides tailored strategic solutions for tribal nations across the United States. His commitment to empowering tribal nations to achieve sustainable wealth is evident in his work.

Blankenship’s academic credentials include a Master of Public Safety Leadership & Administration and a BS in Criminology & Criminal Justice from ASU, as well as an AAS in Business Administration from Haywood Community College. In addition to his degrees, he has also completed various educational and leadership programs, including the Indigenous Leadership Academy in ASU’s American Indian Policy Institute and the Arizona Government Training Service Supervisor’s Academy. Most recently, Blankenship completed a graduate program at Northern Arizona University focused on Indigenous & Tribal Nation Building, where he led and collaborated on cultural revitalization projects with faculty and staff in the Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University.

Blankenship attributes his growth and success to the unwavering love, support, and determination he has witnessed from his family, particularly his mother, Sharon, brother, Cory, and grandparents, Bob and Laura Blankenship. Their encouragement has been instrumental in his journey and achievements.

With enthusiasm for his new role, Blankenship says, “I am incredibly excited and honored to join the Archives & Records Management Branch at the state library. This role will allow me to honor and protect the rich history of Arizona, which has a very strong connection with Indigenous Peoples. It is a privilege to contribute to the preservation of Arizona’s history and ensure its accessibility for future generations.”