SPEAKING OF FAITH: Resurrection Day 2023

by Apr 28, 2023OPINIONS0 comments


(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)

Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church



Read:  Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-20; John 20: 12, 18-23

“I wonder if we realize the Power of the Words that begin to come out of our mouths when we speak His Word.  When one opens their mouth and speaks what the Lord has spoken, the devil starts seeing and hearing these Words in ‘Red’.  He must see things a little differently.  We might have just thought we were only trying to get by.  The enemy is just listening to us speak and must really get confused when we also speak the Words of Jesus with our faith in Him and in His Faith, too.

“The devil must be asking himself, “Is this Jesus?  Or is it the person’s voice that he is hearing?”  “Is this a Messenger? Or is this just Tim?”  “Is this an angel, or is this God, Himself speaking from the Heavens above?”

“When these Red Words come out of a mouth, the red devil can’t be sure and runs away as fast as he can go.

“Look at Verse 8.  The Bible says, “and they remembered His Words.”  That tells us they had forgotten what Jesus had said.  That means they had forgotten what He said, what He had spoken.  They had forgotten the Promise He had made.  They had forgotten the very fact that Jesus had told them these things were coming.”

Added Pastor Tim, “I think it’s interesting today to consider the parallel between the disciples then and His disciples now.  The Truth is, we come into His House, and we shout, “He is risen!”, but when tomorrow hits and all hell breaks loose, can we still shout that “He is Risen?”

“The Lord has asked us today, “Are we looking for the Living among the dead?”

“There are things that will come into our lives, things that have come into them to destroy our lives.  However, we serve a God Who can take what the enemy has killed us with today and then resurrect it tomorrow, making it live again.  There are some things the Lord has come along to kill and we just need to dig a hole, bury it and let it stay dead.  There is Power in one’s tongue, Power in one’s life, and Power in one’s words.

“Sometimes we resurrect things that should have died and should still be dead.  We may have allowed them to come back into our lives and they could still be wrecking our lives when God had already immediately come and destroyed all of it out of our lives.

One may ask, “How did we do that?”  We must begin to see we all are ‘a chip off the ‘ole block.’  If God raised the dead, then so can we…. I believe we ought to be raising the dead in a way that brings Glory to the Lord.  Quit raising the dead things of yesterday, the dead words, the dead pain, the dead of all that mess that went on.  Somebody should just grab a shovel, dig a hole, and cover it all with dirt and then put The Rock on top of it, and declare that no man can ever move This Rock.

When the disciples got to that place, where they’d been told to go, they were reminded that Jesus said, “On the Third Day, I’m going to get up again.”

“Jesus is alive again.  He conquered death, hell, the grave, and satan, because He has told us He has turned around and told each of us to “Be of Good Cheer, for I have overcome the world.”  There’s now nothing that can grab a hold on any of us that He hasn’t already stepped over, already put under the Blood, and dealt with after moving upon it.”

“Can I remind us of the Words of Jesus?  He came to remind us that He came to give us life and that more abundantly, exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask for or think, according to the Power that’s at work in us.  There’s never been a battle lost, nor a war, never a time when He had to leave His Throne and go do something else.   He’s never failed us or let us down or turned His back on us.  He has told us, He’s a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”