One Feather Staff
The Cherokee Central School Board of Education spent their latest meeting focusing on approving several positions before the start of the school year.
There was less than an hour of open discussion in this meeting held Monday, Aug. 1, as much of the time spent was in closed session or for Board training.
All but one item listed on the agenda was passed, though that item was from an email poll that took place on July 22. Resolution 23-012 to approve Chazi Blankenship as a professional specialist was killed. There was no further discussion on this resolution.
The resolution to approve Diane Driver as the new CCS administrative assistant was pulled and voted on individually following the closed session. The Board passed this resolution 4-2, with Melanie Lambert and Berdie Toineeta voting against.
The consent agenda was approved, putting forth the following:
- Travis Climbingbear approved as a technology, engineering, and design teacher at Cherokee High School.
- Jessica Winchester approved for a master’s degree pay increase scale.
- Wesley Bryson approved as a receptionist for Cherokee Elementary School
- Donna Armachain approved as an athletic assistant.
- Brianna McMillian approved as the JV head cheerleading coach.
- Betty Lossiah approved as a soccer volunteer.
- Rachel Hanes approved as a middle school soccer assistant coach.
- Amy West approved as a middle school soccer assistant coach.
There were several walk-in resolutions, each of which were approved:
- Abigail Long approved as a volleyball volunteer.
- Tim Swayney approved as a Cherokee language instructor
- Frances Long approved as a Cherokee language instructor.
- Jason McMillan approved as the women’s golf head coach.
- Billy Crain approved as a middle school science teacher.
- Holly Rowan approved as a SPED teacher for Cherokee Middle School.
The School Board also held an email poll on July 22 and approved the following resolutions:
- Brooklyn Jamison approved as a speech language pathologist.
- Reneta Owle approved as a STARS teacher assistant.
- Jessica Queen approved as a STARS teacher assistant.
- Kristi Watty approved as a nurse for Cherokee Middle School.
- Laura Hudson approved as a SPED teacher for Cherokee Middle School.
The only guest to the meeting was Cherokee Indian Police Dept. Chief of Police Carla Neadeau. She was there to formerly introduce herself to the Board at their request. The Board and Superintendent Michael Murray thanked Chief Neadeau for the relationship they have had with the Cherokee Indian Police Department over the last year, and Chief Neadeau said that she was focused on building on that work.
The remainder of the Board’s meeting was spent receiving SCANS training from Human Resources Director Heather Driver.
The Monday, Aug. 1 meeting of the CCS Board of Education was called to order at 4:45 p.m. with Chairperson Jennifer Thompson; Co-Vice Chairs Tara Reed-Cooper and Melanie Lambert; Secretary Kristina Hyatt; Board members Berdie Toineeta and Regina Ledford Rosario; Superintendent Michael Murray; Assistant Superintendent Beverley Payne; HR Director Heather Driver; and Administrative Assistant Terri Bradley all in attendance. Tribal Council Rep. T.W. Saunooke was late to the meeting.
The next meeting of the CCS Board of Education is set for Monday, Aug. 15 at 4:45 p.m. Meetings are being held in the Administrative Offices at Cherokee Central Schools. These meetings are open to the public unless there is a call for an executive session.