SPEAKING OF FAITH: Purity of heart motive can bring good accountability desired

by Sep 3, 2021OPINIONS



(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)

Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church


Read 1 Peter 3:12, John 9:31

God knows where you are and what you are doing at all times.   His ears are open unto our prayers.  Angels are sent to record our every word which we are now  speaking.  We will give an account of every word and its real motive we have been expressing and every thought we have thought, as He cares about every word and every prayer we pray.

It is the spoken words that create things, so they should take on the very Nature of God.  The Earth will even begin to obey you, especially when one takes dominion over the Earth and speaks God’s Words concerning it.   Believe God for it and confess it out of your mouth.  Pray the Word as you are now believing it and are in agreement with what is said.

Calling upon His Name is not to be thought of as an “abracadabra” moment.  One should realize that if they are already walking in His Name.  The devil himself can’t see us, where we are, because we are covered in the Glory of God.   This happens and becomes real to us as we pray.  The devil already knows this, and we begin to know, as God gives us the very desires of our hearts and continues answering our prayers.

He is our Good Friend and Father.  It is always better if He hears regularly from us, His sons or daughters, and not asked so much with the “taken-for-granted” expressions, like the “I wants,” or the “gimmes.”  Better results will happen when we choose to talk it over with Him from our having a regular and loving relationship with Him.  Better results will also come from timing these requests long before we might have to ask Him for something big or that may be very important to us.  A lot of times, because He is so Good, and already knows our futures, God can actually send us our answers before we might have any knowledge of a possible need!

God always is against evil of any sort.  We can see this for ourselves, particularly within our own weakened areas of possible besetting sins, or even in any addictions which He abhors simply because it can take our life away from us, or it makes everyone around us miserable, too.  We must have begun to realize it is usually where He may still have to be showing up, helping us to bring in a definitive change in our behaviors and thinking.

He may be working on each of us who have a need to come up higher in our own thinking and acting better.  Time does seem to have sped up, and knowing there will be an accountability judgment, which we each will have to face standing there before Him.  We each will have to stand before a Holy, Holy Holy God whether we are ready—and liking it or not, it will happen.  Get ready now while there’s still time.

The Lord’s ears are always open to the prayers of the righteous.  We are not to pray in vain.  We are also not to be asking amiss, either.  We should not be thinking of asking for a million dollars if we can’t manage or handle the money for paying the rent, or buying gas or food for our households.  Could it be the everyday type of decisions we are making today that could be keeping Cherokee from having a revival right now?

Jesus came to set us free from sin and the long list of laws and regulations found in the Old Testament.  Christ came to truly set us free from those rules and methods for being saved or special conditions for growing.  Thanks to Him, we are now free to live our lives—unselfishly for others and for serving the Lord.  Because faith expresses itself through love, one can check their level of faith by their love for God and for each other, and by truly serving and loving them.  This is the gateway to successful living—by the serving of others.  Faith is the creative force of God that operates only by love.  Hebrews 11:3-4.  God’s kind of love is to be unconditional and limitless in scope.  Read Luke 6:27-32, taken from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.