Anthony Toineeta is shown at last year’s livestock judging. (Photo by Kristy M. Herron/EBCI Commerce)
Come see beautiful animals and watch the Livestock Judging process during Community Day at the Fair beginning at 10 am on Saturday, Oct. 11 at the old Cherokee Elementary School site. Check-in is at 9:30 am and judging begins at 10am.
To enter in this competition, registrations will be taken on Friday, Oct. 3 from 8am – 8pm at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. A W-9 form, available during registration, will be required for each individual who enters items in the Fair.
Do not bring livestock to the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors must stay with their animal at all times. Small animals must be in a cage or kennel. Large animals should be brought in a trailer. Exhibitors must have enough food, bedding and water for the entire time of judging. For safety reasons, animals will not be allowed to remain at the site once the final class is awarded.