Construction on the Cherokee Indian Hospital pharmacy expansion began last month doubling the space currently available in Pharmacy from 2,414 square feet to 4,684 square feet.

Checking out the plans for the Pharmacy expansion are (left-right) Dwayne Reed, CIH director of engineering; Willie Lambert, CIH facilities manager; Elizabeth Helm, CIH chief pharmacist; and Jason White, CIH deputy chief pharmacist. (CIH photo)
In 2009, the pharmacy was filling 600-700 prescriptions a day. In 2013, the pharmacy averaged between 900-1,000 prescriptions a day and on occasion, 1,300 prescriptions have been filled in one day.
The Pharmacy staff serves Inpatient, the Emergency Department, and a Refill Line. They provide services to the Immediate Care Center, Snowbird, Cherokee County, Community Health, Home Health, and other outlying clinics daily. The staff also provides a Anticoagulation Clinic (80 patients), Refills by Mail (450 patients), Pain Support Group (30 patients), Buprenorphine Support Group (25 patients), the Healthy Heart Initiative (114 patients) and Medication Therapy Management to the community.
Ten pharmacists and seven pharmacy technicians provide these services in a space built to accommodate six pharmacy staff members. Schedules are flexed and space reassessed to address the growing needs.
“The expansion of Pharmacy into the old Medical Records area will be a Band-Aid to help with over-crowding and space issues until the new hospital facility is built in 2016,” said Hospital officials. “It will help us to better address the community needs and demands.”
Officials went on to say, “We ask for your patience while construction is in process. We anticipate a February move in date and reopening on Feb. 18.”
– Cherokee Indian Hospital