A 4-H Club designed to introduce youth ages 5-18 to archery and the rich history it holds for the Cherokee people is starting. An introductory meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 6-7:30pm at the old Cherokee High School graphics art room (first classroom on the left in the back, enter directly across from the Cherokee Youth Center). The leaders of the group are Kevin Welch, Deino Panther and Allen Groenewold. Sarah McClellan-Welch will be providing educational services, “fun activities” for siblings and families. The introductory meeting will include an archery demonstration, snacks and a chance to learn what the group is about. No registration is necessary. Info: Heather James, EBCI 4-H agent, 554-6932 or heatjame@nc-cherokee.com or Kevin Welch, agriculture program assistant, 554-6928