CMS Testing information

by Mar 11, 2013COMMUNITY sgadugi0 comments



We are currently at the end of our 3rd Quarter and using Classscape to administer our third and final Benchmark test for the year. Classscape is an online testing service that is aligned to the New North Carolina standards (also known as Common Core Standards). The data from each test is monitored to ensure that students are maintaining progress through each quarter. In addition to the Benchmarks, teachers also utilize Classscape as a resource to administer weekly and bi-weekly testing.

This year we are proud to report that from the first two benchmarks we were able to record an increase in student scores. We are currently awaiting results from the final benchmark. However, we are sure that students have continued and will continue to improve the scores throughout the remaining part of the year. As a result of the recorded improvements we offered a few incentives to students. One of those incentives was snow cones and popcorn. The other was for students who improved drastically by 15 or more points. This incentive was a movie in the in the Cultural Arts Center, for students who have continued to improve on their test.

The ACT Explore

This year we were able to administer the ACT Explore to our 8th grade students. The purpose of this test is to determine if students are on track to be ready to enter college or the workforce upon graduating. The data from this test is instrumental for a number of reasons. First, it provides information about the students’ interest after graduating. For instance, suppose a student has an interest to be an engineer. Through the ACT Explore, the school can evaluate the students’ readiness for this career by evaluating the results for the test. This test revolutionizes the ability to align the student’s schedule with courses that are pertinent to the student to be accepted into a solid engineering program at college.

Second, this information can also be relevant in the lowering the dropout rate. Results to survey questions at the beginning of the test help educators to evaluate the student’s plans for finishing high school. When results show a need for concern due to the student’s plan being not to finish high school, this offers the immediate opportunity for intervention.

The End-Of-Grade Test

As we close out the 3rd Quarter and begin the 4th and final Quarter, we are diligently preparing for the End-of-Grade test. This year students and teachers will experience some changes in testing. First, NCExtend 2 test will be given online. Second, students will also take a Measure in Student Learning test in Science and Social Studies directly following the ELA, and Math test. Thirdly, the Science test will also be administered online this year.

There are a couple of things that students can do to help them perform their best on these test(s). First, go to bed early so that they are rested. Second, eat breakfast the morning of the test. Thirdly, practice test taking strategies learned in the classroom, as well, as studying the content that their teachers covered in class.

Finally, to determine whether a student will pass or be retained teachers will look at multiple areas this year. First, attendance record will be reviewed to determine if the student needs a referral to the Attendance Review Committee. Second, classroom grades will also be reviewed to ensure that the student has met or exceeded the minimum class average of 70. Finally, the data that is compiled from Benchmarks and the weekly and bi-weekly formative assessments will also be reviewed. From there based on the information found from each area a decision will be made.

Info: Principal Cance Carnes 554-5022