Doyu ulihelisdodi agiwonihisdi hi gvnigesv igvndii.
Several weeks have passed since my last One Feather letter and I wanted to update everyone as to what I have been involved with.

Principal Chief Michell Hicks gives his Inaugural Address on Monday, Oct. 3. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
First off, I would like to thank everyone for their support in the General Election! I am very humbled by the support I have been given and I know the responsibility that lies in my hands. I have been working with the Tribal Deputies to prepare for the coming four years and with their help, along with all our employees, I know we can accomplish some extraordinary things. There is a lot of work to be done, and I will not let this Tribe down.
I hope everyone had the opportunity to attend or watch the Inauguration on Monday, Oct. 3. It was a very special event and I was honored to be a part of it. But the real excitement came with the First Inaugural Ball, which was held in the Casino Events Center on Oct. 3. This event was a celebration of the historic third term Re-Election of me, Principal Chief, and Vice-Chief Larry Blythe. The proceeds from this event are going to benefit the Madison Hornbuckle Children’s Cancer Foundation. This Foundation is a non-profit organization that assists families of children that have been diagnosed with cancer. The economic and emotional toll children’s cancer places on a family is more than anyone should have to go through. This Foundation was created in Madison’s honor to ease the burden placed on these families. I would like to thank the many volunteers that assisted with the planning and execution of both of these events and I would especially like to thank the many donors that participated in the event.
The Inauguration and Ball were just the first of many events last week. The Fair kicked off with the 2nd Annual Chief’s Challenge Race/Walk. This year’s race started at the Cherokee Bear Zoo and was a registered mile, ending at the Fairgrounds. I would like to thank the staff at Cherokee Choices for planning and volunteering at this event. I look forward to an even greater turnout next year. Proceeds from the Race will benefit the Madison Hornbuckle Children’s Cancer Foundation.

Chief Hicks (right) poses with Boyce Dietz, staff member for Congressman Heath Shuler (D-NC) and former Tribal Council Chairman and Vietnam Veteran Bob Blankenship at the Veterans Honoring Ceremony at the Cherokee Indian Fair on Friday, Oct. 7. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
Immediately following the Chief’s Challenge, we had our Cherokee Fall Festival Parade, which was a huge success. I would like to thank all the floats and groups that entered the parade this year. The Parade was an excellent start to an excellent Festival. I found the Little Miss Cherokee and Teen Miss Cherokee pageants particularly enjoyable. The Eastern Band is blessed with many beautiful and talented young ladies and I would like to congratulate all of the contestants for overcoming their fears and competing. And I would also like to thank the judges that volunteered for this year’s pageants; they had a tough job on their hands. Congratulations to Jade Ledford and Deliah Esquivel for earning the Little Miss Cherokee title, Emma Stamper for earning the Junior Miss Cherokee title and Shakyra Bottchenbaugh for earning the Teen Miss Cherokee title.
I would like to thank the entire Fair Committee and the many volunteers that helped plan and execute the Cherokee Fair this year. I thought the Fair went along wonderfully, and it would not have been possible without the thorough planning by our volunteers. I was pleased to see the excellent turnout on Elder’s Day and at the Veteran’s Ceremony. It is important for us to always remember to celebrate and honor those most respected individuals in our Tribe.
Finally, I would like to congratulate Miss Kristina Hyatt on earning the Miss Cherokee title. I look forward to working with you in the coming year, and am certain you will represent the Eastern Band well.
Unelanv adatolosdi nihi.