Locals are enjoying Open Mic Night at local coffeehouse
By Dawn Arneach
One Feather Staff

Gerri Grady, an EBCI tribal member, reads several of her poems at A Night of Expression - Round 2 held at the Tribal Grounds coffeehouse on Saturday, Nov. 28.
Tribal Grounds Coffee House in Cherokee hosted their Open Mic Night - Round 2 on Saturday, Nov. 28. This event allowed people to come in and share their poetry, songs, music, stories and a laugh or two.
Fifteen people signed up and starting the evening off was Lynsey Stamper who sang “I call it home” sounding like a cross between Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton and Crystal Gayle.
Natalie Smith sang a song au capella entitled “I’m an Autumn girl”. Skye Littledave shared stories of her latest travels. Fallon Grady shared two of his surreal pieces. John Dillinger gave the crowd a few laughs with his stand up. Gerri Grady shared two of her poems. Leon Grodski and Arelli did a story reading in Spanish then in English, and Leon read two other poems.
Barbara Duncan shared a song she had just written that was sang first in Cherokee then in English and then she got the crowd to sing “Under the Boardwalk”.
Capping off the evening were a few stories from Cherokee storyteller Lloyd Arneach Sr. The stories he shared had been given to him from Floyd “Redcrow” Westerman and were about the behind the scenes from “Dances with Wolves”.
Natalie Smith and Leon Grodski, owners of Tribal Grounds, plan to make Open Mic Night a twice a month event. So, if you missed the first two, they are planning the next one for Saturday, Dec. 12.
For more information about Tribal Grounds, visit their website: