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Cherokee Indian Hospital
According to officials at Cherokee Indian Hospital, flu vaccinations are now available. The 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine priority groups include:
• Health-care and EMS personnel may receive either H1N1 nasal spray (flu mist) or H1N1 injectable.
• Any child 6 months – up to 2 years of age: H1N1 injectable only
• Age 2 years – 24 years with a chronic health problem (i.e., diabetes, asthma, etc.): H1N1 injectable only
• 2 years – 24 years without health problems may receive either H1N1 nasal spray (flu mist) or H1N1 injectable
• Adults ages 25-64 with chronic health problems – injectable only
As more vaccine becomes available, the following persons will also be eligible to receive the H1N1 Vaccine:
• Adults ages 25-50, healthy: injectable or nasal spray (flu mist)
• Adults ages 50 & older: injectable only
Seasonal Flu Vaccine:
The seasonal flu injectable vaccine is still available for all age groups except 36-47 months. The Hospital expects to receive the vaccine for that age group about mid-November. They do not have nasal spray (flu mist) seasonal vaccine.
The flu vaccines for children up to age 19 will be given in the Pediatric Clinics on the Green Team.
For adult vaccines, the patient’s primary care physician’s nurse will give these. For adults without a primary care physician: Either adult clinic can give the vaccine (Blue Team or Green Team). The Hospital also related they will be happy to help you sign up for a primary care provider.
For an appointment, please call the Blue Team (ext 6402) or Green Team (ext 6407) to receive the flu vaccines. When you call, please let the secretary know if you need an appointment outside of regular clinic hours between 8 AM and
4:30 PM.
If you have questions about either vaccine, the vaccine information statements are available in the clinic. You may also call the CDC at 1-800-232-4636 or visit the CDC website at