Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: The Trials and Tribulations of Bathroom Etiquette
I would like to share some thoughts on mixed-use bathrooms.
COMMENTARY: Proposed constitution gets candidate ‘disqualifiers’ right
Under the proposed constitution, being put forth by the Citizens for a Constitution, all three of the ladies would have been certified as candidates for this year’s election.
COMMENTARY: Constitution deserves real discussion
This commentary was sparked by a recent work session on Tuesday, May 21. The Citizens for a Constitution came to present Council with an updated form of their proposed document. To put it simply, it was a rough day in the Council House.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: The supremacy of Christ
Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of man, has created all things on this earth.
COMMENTARY: Beating a dead horse
Have you voted yet? You can. I did. My ballot only had Principal Chief and Vice Chief candidates on it because I vote in Snowbird and the slate of candidates was small enough not to require a primary. So, my civic duty is done.
COMMENTARY: Take an hour to remember on Memorial Day
Before you fire up your grills or head out to purchase a new mattress, please take an hour or so to attend a Memorial Day event on Monday, May 27.
In these verses the Apostle Paul emphasizes that the “extraordinary divine force by which Jesus Christ was raised is the same power at work in and through believers”
COMMENTARY: Take a hike
The days of summer are nearly upon us. After several months of hibernation, it is fun to feel the sunshine on our faces and get stiff joints moving again.
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Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm