Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Counterpunching…
There are no football gods. My beloved Green Bay Packers needed 3 half’s to beat the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship but unfortunately most games only have two of them.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Holiness aligns us up with God
“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
COMMENTARY: The importance of voting in N.C. Primary Election
This is the first year that North Carolina’s primary election will be held on “Super Tuesday” on March 3.
COMMENTARY: Welcome back off-Boundary media!
Today (Feb. 5) during Reports to Council, the Tribal Council seemed to come to an understanding concerning a year-long plus media “ban” of all media except for Cherokee One Feather staff in the Council Chambers during sessions.
COMMENTARY: Reply to One Feather Commentary: We are all getting older
I am a geriatrician, a doctor who specializes in taking care of older people.
COMMENTARY: We are all getting older
I am at that age. I am looking and thinking more elderly. As one of my old pastors used to say about his hair, “What hasn’t turned grey has turned loose!”
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: New management, same theater
I understand that the Cherokee Cinema is under “new management”. I went there on Jan. 30 at 6:30 p.m. to watch “1917”. Our room had no heat until the movie was half over. There was no picture for previews. The bathrooms were horrible and the urinals were...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Support Mother Town Healing Program
Mother Town does a wonderful job cleaning the graves off for people. They need all the support for what they do. Signed, Dede Davis
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm