Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Herd mentality and hive mind…
The light at the end of a long, long, long tunnel is there! I can see it faintly now but I can definitely see it! On Tuesday, Nov. 3, two weeks away, we vote for the people that will govern us for the next two and/or four years.
COMMENTARY: Tillis should refuse to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
When President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) did an about-face on his past policy to deny consideration of Supreme Court nominees in an election year.
Many thought we would be seeing life return to “normal” by now, but we are fast realizing that normal as it looked in December of 2019 may not be a reality even in the year to come.
COMMENTARY: Don’t let someone die
It seems like we just experienced Domestic Violence Month, yet it is October once again, and it is time to take another focused look at this problem that deserves our year-round attention.
SPEAKING OF FAITH : Grace and peace are multiplied by knowing Jesus
“I want to bring to you this morning what the Lord has shared with me,” said Pastor Melton.
COMMENTARY: Double standards….
Another month, another burst of news, another book out, a Supreme Court justice, President Trump’s tax history and a debate hit the news.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Discerning of the Lord’s Body, your brothers and your sisters
“We should already know that sin stops the flowing of the Anointing of the Anointed One into our lives.
BOOK REVIEW: “Mysterious Tales of Western North Carolina” is a fun read about supernatural
My friends on social media have been using the phrase consistently lately. We are in the “month of Halloween.”
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