801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719

Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm



Latest Opinions

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Growing in the spirit…

By TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Read Colossians 1:9-10 We, as believers, are to not only live, but to live in the Realm of the Spirit. The fact is we are not just human beings, we are living...

SPEAKING OF FAITH: The testing of our faith comes…

By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Read Hebrews 12:1-6 The Lord is good to us.  Our new carpet is going down this week, and I appreciate your enthusiasm this morning.  Praise the Name of the...

COMMENTARY: Are we being Fair?

COMMENTARY: Are we being Fair?

You know, on the Qualla Boundary, the Fair is one of the life-celebration times that, even though it happens in the fall when the plants are “dying”, it is very much a time of Cherokee life and renewal.

COMMENTARY: Ceremonial Grounds ghosts

COMMENTARY: Ceremonial Grounds ghosts

This month is the month that the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians has announced the closure of the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds, affectionately known by many as the Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds.


(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm