LETTER: Asbestos in our homes

  Did someone in your family die from cancer? Do you have breathing or lung problems? These health issues and more can come from exposure to asbestos. Remodeling my house, I asked for a dumpster which was denied because of the possibility of asbestos in my home...

COMMENTARY: There’s a fine line between….issue

  Observations and random thoughts Vol. 27.1   By WILLIAM LEDFORD   I hope everyone enjoyed feasting on Turkey Day. I certainly did. Turkey is my weakness in late November and late December. I actually can’t stand the stuff any other time. I keep...

EDITORIAL: It’s rope, not dope.

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   We, as a community and government, continue to debate the merits of cannabis in its various forms. The plant has its proponents and its detractors. The detractors claim that cannabis is a gateway drug that will lead to...

COMMENTARY: Rest in Peace guys and flying turkeys

  Observations and random thoughts 26.1   By WILLIAM LEDFORD   We, Indian Country and music fans, have lost two giants. Both are irreplaceable. A founding member of AIM, the American Indian Movement, Dennis Banks, has walked on. Dennis Banks was one of...

EDITORIAL: Life is good in Cherokee

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   Cherokee has much for which to be thankful. With all the political turmoil of the past year (it has been going on much longer, it’s just that we all seem to have short memories), it would be easy to overlook some of...