EDITORIAL: Living in dependence

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   I am a student of government. I hate politics, but I gravitate to discussion of public issues, and one leads to the other. The Jackson County Board of Commissioners recently held a public hearing to discuss what is...

EDITORIAL: Let the Cherokee spirit live

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   The Cherokee people were a proud people. Known as one of the “civilized tribes”, we were known for our intelligence and industry. Cherokees survived one of the most brutal invasions in modern history. And, the Cherokee...

COMMENTARY: Never a dull moment….issue.

  Observations and random thoughts Vol. 2018 1.4   By WILLIAM LEDFORD I keep writing these things and they keep vanishing, volumes two and three have gotten lost in the ether of the internet and things that I wrote about then are old news now. So much stuff...

EDITORIAL: One possible solution…maybe three.    

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Ghandi We are in great need of an overhaul of government protocol. I am not talking about the people who fill the seats of our elected posts. If there are issues...

LETTER: A place of sanctuary for pets

  When my wife and I retired from the United States Coast Guard, we moved back to her home town of Cherokee, North Carolina. We had dogs of our own, but we started to notice that there were a lot of stray dogs and dogs along roadsides that looked to be homeless...