EDITORIAL: Grave condition  

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   I like walking through cemeteries. I even have books on the subject, ranging from the significance of certain markings on tombstones to the different styles and shapes of markers to the various sentiments and histories...

LETTER: Tribal member not happy with Town Hall time

  Note: This letter is in regards to the Town Hall meeting for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians set for Tuesday, May 15 at 5:30pm.  Why so early?  Snowbird and Cherokee County has a long way to travel.  Why not 6:30pm?  I forgot, sorry, you think Snowbird and...

EDITORIAL: Why is access so important?

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   We consider ourselves to be a sovereign nation. We take pride in the fact that we have a government separate from the municipalities around us, and the state and federal governments apart from us. We feel that the band...

LETTER: Tribal member upset with media ban

  Dear Editor: On April 5, the vote taken in Tribal Council to ban all outside media is quite disturbing; all council members voted for the ban except for one.  With that action, every one of us had our constitutional rights violated.  Our right to a free press...