Cherokee Boys Club 2020-22 Board of Directors election

by Aug 19, 2020General Announcements


The 2020-22 Cherokee Boys Club Board of Directors election will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 25 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds exhibit hall.  Below are the guidelines that must be followed:

  1. You must wear a mask to enter.
  2. You must present proof of your Club membership before you can vote.
  3. Your EBCI enrollment card, or valid documentation from the EBCI Enrollment Office will be accepted, or
  4. Your Cherokee Boys Club employee badge, or
  5. Your Cherokee Boys Club membership card (no matter the date)
  6. Practice social distancing while in the lines as well as when you are voting by staying six-feet apart.
  7. There will be one entrance and one exit from the building. Exit as soon as you have voted to keep crowding to a minimum.
  8. Each person will vote for five people, from the candidate’s list shown below, and five people will be elected.

More details regarding parking and entrance and exiting will be provided once they become available.

Following is the list of nominees:

  1. Cory Blankenship
  2. Laura Blythe
  3. Ethan Clapsaddle
  4. John “Dick” Crowe
  5. Jay Eagleman
  6. Denny Ensley
  7. Austin Fish
  8. Cody Gloyne
  9. Benny Graves
  10. Aneta Turtle-Hagberg
  11. Terri Henry
  12. Cassie Hill
  13. Mary Hill
  14. Kevin Jackson
  15. Tammy Jackson
  16. Doris Johnson
  17. Sheyahshe Littledave
  18. Anita Welch Lossiah
  19. David Skooter McCoy
  20. Barak Myers
  21. Tony O’Neal
  22. Donnie Owle
  23. Janet Owle
  24. Robert “Bob” Price
  25. Tara Reed-Cooper
  26. Tiffani Reed
  27. Israel Rodriguez
  28. Colene Ross
  29. Michael Slee
  30. Deanne Smith
  31. Thomas Smith
  32. Chase Sneed
  33. Ernest “Cub” Sneed
  34. Pam Straughan
  35. Luke Swimmer
  36. Micah Swimmer
  37. Jay Thomasson
  38. Mary Wachacha
  39. Yona Wade
  40. Monica Wildcatt
  41. Charlene Wolfe
  42. June Wolfe
  • Cherokee Boy Club release