The rendering above shows what the new Cherokee Youth Center will look like when finished. (Rendering courtesy of EBCI Public Relations)
The EBCI Education Division, which oversees the Higher Education Program, the Qualla Library, the EBCI Recreation Department, the Kituwah Preservation & Education Program, the Cherokee Youth Center, the Cherokee Fitness Complex, the Handicap and Elderly Living Program (HELP) and Tsali Manor, would like to expound on the many accomplishments the Division has accomplished the past few years. The supportive political environment provided by the Executive Offices and EBCI Tribal Council have allowed the Education Division to build upon the groundwork laid by previous years and grow to a Division that fosters educational success and physical activity at all stages of life.
The Division has worked tirelessly to increase opportunities for enrolled members, young and old, to participate in physical activity. It is their goal to promote healthy habits that will serve enrolled members for their entire lives and supports many varying interests. Some accomplishments include:
– Cherokee Fitness Complex Locker Room & Pool renovated
– Smoothie Bar installed in the Cherokee Fitness Complex
– Creation of Youth Soccer Program (140 Participants)
– Recreation is operating the Special Olympics Program
– Parisi School opening at Fitness Complex
The other half the Division covers the educational side of tribal programs and include the Higher Education Program, the Qualla Library, and the Cherokee Youth Center. This Department promotes educational excellence among our enrolled members. Some notable accomplishments include:
– Education is negotiating an MOU with the North Carolina Department of Education to jointly create an assessment for Cherokee language speakers
– Higher Education Policy was updated to allow two non-linear advanced degrees
– Higher Education funded 470 students seeking a degree in fall semester 2018
– Development of the CSTEP Program between UNC-Chapel Hill and SCC
– Development of Qualla Workforce Development Board
– Renovations at Kituwah for Speakers’ Space
– Creation of Indigenous Studies Room at the Qualla Library
– Restored access to Testing Banks
– Secured funding for a new Cherokee Youth Center- Groundbreaking May 31
“I am fortunate to work with the people in the Education Division,” said EBCI Education Secretary James Bradley. “Their tireless efforts and dedication to their jobs, and to bettering the lives of the members of the EBCI, inspire me daily. Because of their hard work we have been able to accomplish many positive improvements in our programs. We are also grateful to Chief Sneed, Vice-Chief Ensley and Tribal Council for their support, both financially and organizationally, that allow us to better serve Tribal members.”
Principal Chief Richard G. Sneed said, “I feel the EBCI is blessed to have such an intelligent, honest, and hardworking team promoting education and physical fitness for our Cherokee people. I appreciate the leadership provided by James Bradley, Secretary of Education, and the many Directors, Managers and Supervisors who work daily to improve the lives of our community members. I look forward to seeing what this Division can accomplish in the next four years and know they will do amazing things if given the proper tools and opportunity to succeed.”
– EBCI Public Relations release