The Wolftown Community Club would like to say thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the parade float and setting up the booth for the exhibit hall and also to those who donated items to display in the booth or for the float. We received third place on both! We’ve had many volunteers come out and help and we hope that you continue to do so. You are truly appreciated!
We would like to thank our Tribal Council members, Bo Crowe and Bill Taylor, for attending the meetings and helping out with whatever we need! Our regular meeting was postponed until Oct. 12 and the club election was held with the following being elected: Chairman – Tuff Jackson, Vice-Chairman – Jarrett Crowe, Treasurer – Mary Jackson, and Secretary – Tammy Jackson. Our next event will be the Safe Trick-or-Treat on Saturday, Oct. 31. We would like to ask the community to help by donating candy. Last year, we had approximately 3,000 trick-or-treaters come through. You can drop off your candy at the community building by contacting Tuff 788-4088 or Tammy 788-4098 to set up a time. The next regular meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Submitted by,
Tammy Jackson, Secretary
Wolftown Community Club