CCS to adjust COVID leave policies

by Feb 9, 2022NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments



One Feather Staff


Much of the Monday, Feb. 7 meeting of the Cherokee Central Schools (CCS) Board of Education was spent discussing updates on COVID-19 at the school and adjusting policy for staff.

Much of the Monday, Feb. 7 meeting of the Cherokee Central Schools (CCS) Board of Education, held at the Chief Joyce Dugan Cultural Arts Center, was spent discussing updates on COVID-19 at the school and adjusting policy for staff. (JONAH LOSSIAH/One Feather photo)

The School Board’s attorney Ashley Leonard and CCS HR director Heather Driver had been tasked with pulling information on the most recent COVID leave plans. Driver told the Board that North Carolina’s policy is 168 hours of leave for COVID-related issues. This 168-hour policy is the same regardless of one’s vaccination status. The Board had been considering adopting a similar policy to assist CCS staff who have children and might need additional leave to take care of their family if they were required to quarantine.

The current quarantine policy states that a child does not need to quarantine once exposed if they have been vaccinated. However, if they haven’t been vaccinated, an exposure requires a five-day quarantine. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, typically that means at 10-day quarantine. This is extended to 14 days at facilities like Dora Reed Children’s Center.

Chairperson Jennifer Thompson raised the question if 168 hours was enough for parents in their system. Thompson and Vice-Chair Tara Reed-Cooper used examples in the community of families who were forced to quarantine for multiple weeks already this semester due to the increased measures from some facilities.

The Board decided that it would be best to adopt a similar policy to that of the state but instructed Driver to draw it with 240 hours of COVID-related leave available to staff. This translates to up to 30 working days. They also agreed that it would be required to show documentation to use this leave to assist a family member. These hours will also be transferable among staff if they so choose.

Discussion surrounding staff morale and teacher retention was also raised. The Board discussed different ways to offer a morale booster to help with the ongoing fatigue caused by working in a school system during a pandemic. They discussed the possibility of an additional bonus like that of the Christmas bonus, as well as the potential for a day off for mental health.

The topic of shortening to a four-day work week was presented, but the offering seemed implausible due to the number of required instructional days for the school.

Assistant Superintendent Beverly Payne said that the total cost of the bonus in December was approximately $589,000. That included salary and fringe money. The Board said that they will continue to discuss options to support staff and hope to offer some relief as soon as possible.

The Board approved some changes to three CCS policies. There was a change to Policy 7100, recruitment and selection of personnel, to align with Tribal law.

Policy 7105, hiring of coaching staff, saw the following amendments:

  • Added language of “a resignation or removal from one of the contracted positions is a removal from the system.”
  • Clarification that “school administrators are prohibited from coaching. School administrators include Principals, Assistant Principals, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Directors, Managers who oversee a department, and supervisors. “
  • Added language of “Head coaches for major sports that require the employment of assistant coaches may present their recommendations for the assistant position(s) to the Athletic Director for consideration by the Cherokee Central School Board.”

Policy 7945, employee disciplinary procedures, saw the following amendments:

  • Added language of “when discipline is necessary, school officials will make every effort to institute disciplinary procedures within one week of confirming employee misconduct or non-performance.
  • Altered and added language of “All disciplinary documents will be placed in the employee’s personnel file for twelve months except for letters of reprimand, which will remain in the personnel file for five years, and suspensions or discharges/dismissals, which shall remain in the file permanently.
  • Added language of “Employees must be given written notice of their right to appeal when presented with disciplinary action. Employees must also be given notice that they are not required to sign an acknowledgement of disciplinary action. If an employee refuses to sign an acknowledgement of disciplinary action, a witness may sign the document to acknowledge the employee received the disciplinary action.”

The Board unanimously passed the consent agenda, putting forth the following:

  • Norris Brady approved as a varsity softball volunteer.
  • Lisa Cook approved as a High School special education life skill teacher.
  • Taran Swimmer approved as a women’s soccer coach volunteer.
  • Craig Barker approved as a varsity softball volunteer.
  • Dre Crowe approved as a varsity softball assistant coach.
  • Albert Arch approved as the varsity softball head coach.
  • Ronald Walker approved as the Middle School baseball head coach.
  • Skylar Botchenbaugh approved as a Middle School baseball assistant coach.
  • Jordan Grant approved as a full-time custodian.

Following the adjourning of the meeting, Rep. Bo Crowe requested to speak with the Board. This was requested following a discussion centered around the quality of meals at Cherokee Central Schools. No formal closed session was called, as this discussion occurred after adjourning.

The Monday, Feb. 7 meeting of the CCS Board of Education was called to order at 4:45 p.m. with Chairperson Jennifer Thompson; Co-Vice Chairs Tara Reed-Cooper and Melanie Lambert; Secretary Kristina Hyatt; Board members Berdie Toineeta and Regina Ledford Rosario; Superintendent Michael Murray; Assistant Superintendent Beverley Payne; Tribal Council Rep. Bo Crowe; HR Director Heather Driver; and Administrative Assistant Terri Bradley all in attendance.

The next meeting of the School Board is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 24 at 4:45 p.m. The Board has been meeting in the Chief Joyce Dugan Cultural Arts Center to be able to maintain social distancing. This upcoming meeting will begin in open session, but any items set for a closed session will be heard in the presence of the Board’s attorney.