SPEAKING OF FAITH:  Translate that

by Nov 14, 2024OPINIONS0 comments

By Lamont H. Fuchs, Ed. D.

(author of “Preacher Spurs”, Christian Faith Publishing, Meadville, Pa., 2022)


Scripture Reference: Isaiah 55:11, Lamentations 3:22-23, Mark 9:38-40

Christians worldwide read and rely exclusively on one translation of God’s Word, the revered KJV. That’s okay by me. I don’t scoff at those who follow those precepts. I’m asking you not to beat me up about what I think about different translations, as it is my personal experience and opinion that reading other translations is beneficial. After all, everything we read from any translation is, in fact, a translation of either Hebrew or Greek, or even Latin. It is hard to argue with Isaiah 55:11.

Often, when I read a different translation, a concept becomes more apparent to me. Not to brag but to make my point, I have read the Bible from the Table of Contents to Maps several times. The last four times, I purposely read a different translation to gain the experience and flavor of each. I became excited to read stories and illustrations, gathering information I hadn’t fully grasped in previous reads but that happens when reading the same translation over again. When I run into something that makes me question whether that was accurately meant or written, I compare the adopted standard, KJV, and others to see how they translated the same referenced text. I have an app on my phone that makes comparisons of up to eight translations of my choosing, verse by verse. The media form of these translations is undoubtedly for ease and speed of comparison and contrast. I have never become suspicious or disagreed with what was meant or written. I have perceived slight changes in word choices, but the meanings didn’t change what was intended to be said from His Word. Each translation has become more meaningful as the Spirit within me teaches. The slight changes in words or rearrangements of words did not change the context for me; conversely, those contexts became clearer. I found this incredibly comforting about the texts within important scripture, which are the fundamental foundations of our Christian beliefs in Christ and our salvation. During this research and unless I read a more fulfilling translation, I have decided on the best translation – I like. I’m not even going to tell you what that translation is; you find yours as you are led– with prayer.

I love this verse. I have several verses that are meaningful and become favorites to memorize or recall when needed. If you care to see what I mean about different translations and have access to a computer and the Internet, I suggest you go to https://www.biblegateway.com/.  Choose your favorite translation, pick a favorite verse or entire passage, and read it in different versions. Begin with the most accepted favorites, and then, if you have the time choose a few others you remember. Biblegateway.com has several translations to choose from and has become my ‘go-to’ resource to find, read, and copy different script translations as I’m working. Suppose you are disappointed or uncomfortable with the translation. There is no harm, no foul, and best of all, no cost. I’m not a Bible bookseller, and I have no intent to tempt you into something you might consider unworthy. Once you find the translation of your choice and after research and prayer, buy it in hardcopy. Read it daily. If you get anything out of this commentary, get this, read God’s Word daily.

If you begin and are blessed, as I have been, by reading a mixture of translations in God’s Word today, I will consider this commentary a success. We each work towards sanctification to receive knowledge and wisdom from God and the Spirit.In conclusion, the ‘Ah-Hah!’ moment that eventually changed my mind about translations became this; the more I learn about my loving God, the more I love Him, and the more I know about my gracious God, the more I fear and understand Him. I’ve concluded that it has to be within God’s will. I  know that I don’t know all I want to know. But I also know all I need to know. The most important thing to me is to read my Bible daily. It has changed my life.