2023-24 Little Miss Cherokee Rhiannon Postoak, 2023-24 Junior Miss Cherokee Kennedy Talissa Moore, and 2023-24 Teen Miss Cherokee Kyndra Postoak are shown at the opening ceremony for the Cherokee Speakers Place in Cherokee, N.C. on Friday, Feb. 16. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather photo)

The EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Royalty present 2023-24 Choctaw Indian Princess Nalani LuzMaria Thompson, third from left, and MBCI Tribal Chief Cyrus Ben, third from right, with gifts on behalf of the EBCI during the 74th Annual Choctaw Indian Fair in Choctaw, Miss. Shown, left to right, are Junior Miss Cherokee Kennedy Moore, Little Miss Cherokee Rhiannon Postoak, Thompson, Chief Ben, Teen Miss Cherokee Kyndra Postoak, and Miss Cherokee Scarlett “Gigage” Guy. (BROOKLYN BROWN/One Feather photo)

2023-24 Miss Cherokee Scarlett “Gigage” Guy, Little Miss Cherokee Rhiannon Postoak, Junior Miss Cherokee Kennedy Moore, Teen Miss Cherokee Kyndra Postoak (BROOKLYN BROWN/One Feather photo)