DAY CAMP: Miss Cherokee Amorie Gunter visited a day camp in Franklin recently to the delight of the children in attendance. (Photo courtesy of Amorie Gunter)
Siyo nigada, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! The month of June was very exciting. I got to appear on WLOS for an interview about our 20th annual Cherokee Voices Festival. This was my first TV appearance. I was very nervous, but I did great and was able to answer all of their questions. They even asked me about my title and the clothes I was wearing. I’m always very pleased to educate people on my outfits.
I was asked to be a judge for a mock interview for a few of the contestants that were competing in the 80th Annual Miss North Carolina pageant. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the pageant, but we had one of our very own EBCI tribal members attend and perform in the pageant. Tsini McCoy is a Carolina princess for Miss Blue Ridge Valley Rachel Mower. Tsini does a wonderful job representing our Tribe! Keep being amazing Tsini. I love you!
I was asked by a day camp in Franklin to come to their Native American Day and tell my legend and describe my traditional wear. I’m always very excited when I get to speak to kids. From the moment the kids saw me until I had to leave, I was swarmed by sweet kiddos full of questions. And, when it was time to take a picture they all wanted to be right there with me. Seeing the smiles and excitement on all the kid’s faces is what makes all of this worthwhile.
At the end of May, I attended the Fading Voices Festival in Robbinsville. I got to tell my legend and talk to so many wonderful people. I also got to have my photo taken with Beloved Women Ella Bird. Also, at the end of May I got to film a commercial for Visit Cherokee with the beautiful 2016 Miss North Carolina McKenzie Faggort. This was such a fun and exciting experience!
I will holding a few fundraisers for my platform, so be on the lookout for those!
I hope everyone has a very safe and fun summer. I look forward to serving this Tribe, to the best of my ability, for the rest of my year!