Miss Cherokee 2015 Taran Swimmer (2nd from left) is shown at the Harvest 5K and Half-Marathon in Cherokee in Saturday, Oct. 31. Shown (left-right) are: Principal Chief Patrick Lambert, Swimmer, Junior Miss Cherokee Abigail Taylor, Little Miss Cherokee Madison Ledford and Teen Miss Cherokee Blake Wachacha. (Photo courtesy of Tina Swimmer)
Si-yo, I would like to take this time to thank the people who have helped me with preparing for the Miss Cherokee Pageant and who have been absolutely amazing once I was crowned. I first of all would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for never leaving me nor forsaking me. To my mother, Tina Swimmer, who is always there to encourage me to do the best I can, thank you for always loving me unconditionally. To my Momaw and Popaw, thank you for always keeping me in your prayers and supporting me in whatever I do. Aunt Tracy, thank you for making me laugh when things seemed hard and discouraging. Uncle Jerry, thank you for always keeping me in your prayers and always being willing to help me out with whatever I need.
I have so many wonderful cousins who have been so supportive as well. Heather Younce, thank you for helping me find shirt patterns and designs for my wool wrap skirt, and thank you for making sure that I had the right type of accessories that I needed. To Micah Swimmer, thank you for helping me with speaking our language. Thanks to Dvdaya Swimmer for accompanying me with my talent and being my little stage coach. Thank you to Carrah Swimmer for helping me with my hair and encouraging me backstage. To Courtney, Gina, and Gabe, thank you for always being so encouraging and loving. Big thanks to Jayan and Shane Swimmer for driving me in the parade and for not running over my candy throwers. Thank you to my cousins who have shown support whether you are here in Cherokee or far off. To my great aunts: Rina, Flora, Gig, and Mary, thank you for your encouraging words and the love that you always show me. Sean, April and Vivian, thanks for all the supportive messages you sent. Paisley Raby, thank you for doing my hair the night of the pageant. I definitely want to send a big thank you to my church family at Yellow Hill Baptist Church and to my pastor, Forman Bradley. I know you all keep me in your prayers and are so very supportive.
The CMS volleyball team, thank you for your love, loyalty and support. I encourage you all to work hard on your academics and your athletics. You can achieve anything if you believe in yourself. I was told that the only person who can keep you from achieving your goals is you.
To all of my former high school, middle school and elementary teachers, thank you for all of the kind words and knowledge you have shared. To my Magic Makers, Radonna and Madison Crowe, you are so awesome and so much fun to be around. You both kept me laughing and made the stress go away.
I am so blessed to not only have family and friends in Cherokee, but I also have a family at Western Carolina University. Thank you to Lori Wooten and your family for the support and encouragement. Emily Jones, Kristin Collins, Kristin Bolejack, and Phoebe Brook, thank you for always being there for me and being such awesome friends. I also want to thank the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, the Big Cove Community, and 3 Sisters Enterprise for sponsoring me. Thank you to Stacy Ledford for taking my pictures this past month. The royalty board has been amazing. They have been patient with me and have given me so much support and encouragement as I get ready to take on this amazing position as your 2015 Miss Cherokee. I am so thankful to God for putting so many wonderful people in my life and I know He has more that I will meet on this journey. I know I may have left some people out but please know that I appreciate everyone in my life.
My journey has begun, and I would like to share with the communities some of the events that I have had the privilege to attend the month of October.
On Oct. 13, I was presented to Principal Chief Lambert, Vice Chief Sneed and the Tribal Council. I look forward to working with our tribal government.
On, Oct. 14, I had the honor of attending the ribbon cutting for our new Cherokee Indian Hospital. What a blessing for our tribe, our new hospital is remarkable and I am very proud to have been a part of this wonderful event.
On Oct. 16, I was asked to join the newly elected and elected school board members and the newly crowned Teen Miss Cherokee Blake Wachacha, Junior Miss Cherokee Abigail Taylor, and Little Miss Cherokee Madison Ledford for the coin toss at the beginning of the Cherokee Braves football game against Rosman. Once we took the field I was then asked to flip the coin to see who would receive or kick off to start the football game.
On Oct. 24, I had the privilege to attend Cherokee Day at Mars Hill University along with Teen Miss Cherokee and Little Miss Cherokee. Some of the Cherokee High School cheerleaders and their Coach Madison Crowe were also there and they took part in the half time show. It was a lot of fun and I am thankful for the invite.
On Oct. 27, I attended the Snowbird Halloween Festival and the Big Cove Halloween Festival. I had an amazing time at both events and enjoyed meeting all the young and older people from the communities.
On Oct. 28, I had the honor of attending the Ned Long Day and enjoyed fellowshipping with everyone there.
On Oct. 31, I had the privilege to hand out the participation medallions to all the participants in the harvest run (5K & half marathon) as they crossed the finish line.
Thank you to everyone who invited me to attend your event and I look forward to many more.
If you would like to have me attend an event please send your requests to the following link ebcimisscherokee@gmail.com.