“Super Strength James Saves the Day” is a short story by EBCI tribal member Nse Justice Uffort. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
The Creeper tries to steal the Cherokee per cap from the bank. Whoever said “no” to his theft would die when he stole the per cap from the bank. He blew up the Cherokee bank on the reservation.
Yet, The Creeper didn’t know that there was a Cherokee super hero named Super Strength James. Super Strength James had super strength and x-ray vision in his pretty blue eyes. He also had an afro because Cherokee people come in all different colors and don’t always look the same. Mind control is another super power that Super Strength James has as the first Cherokee super hero.
So, he knew that the Cherokee people were in trouble. Then, Super Strength James and Cyborg were looking around Oklahoma. Then, he saw the bank on the rez. Super Strength James and Cyborg said, “What has happened here?”
The other Cherokees ran up to him and said, “The Creeper has done this!”
Then, Super Strength James said, “I thought I got him locked up for good?”
“No,” the Cherokee guys said, “He broke out!”
Super Strength James turned to Cyborg and said, “He doesn’t bail out on jail on my watch.”
So, then he went to his apartment. Super Strength James kicks The Creeper’s face LIKE A BOSSSS! Then, he said, “Creeper, it’s you! I thought you were locked up!”
Then, The Creeper said, “I broke out.”
They fought it out. Then, The Creeper brought out Super Strength James’ weakness of not being able to endure too much shine. Super Strength James brought out his weakness of not being able to face took much handsomeness. Suddenly, he had cracks all over his body and The Creeper blew up!
Super Strength James and Cyborg save the day!
They gave the Cherokee survivors and the employees of the bank money so they can make a new one and all the Cherokee per cap will be safe! The end.
Uffort, age 8, is an EBCI tribal member living in Cherokee, and he also has Nigerian heritage.