Cherokee Tribal Child Care Services is having a Christmas Blessing Tree to help some of the area needy families during the holiday season. Foam ornaments will hang on the tree with a number, the child’s gender and the age. Once an ornament is picked from the tree, it will need to be given to the Dora Reed Center receptionist. The receptionist will then give you an envelope with the child’s sizes and specific requests made to Santa. Names of children and families WILL NOT be given. Some examples of clothing include: socks, coat, hat, gloves, pants, shirts, and shoes.
If you would like to participate in this gift giving experience, please stop by the Dora Reed Center and pick an ornament from the tree to help make a child’s Christmas extra special. If you participate, please have all items turned in to the Dora Reed Center no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 12. If you take an ornament and cannot follow through, please let a Family Support Coordinator know at the Dora Reed Center so that child can be taken care of.
– Cherokee Tribal Child Care Services