Miss Cherokee Taylor Wilnoty (left) poses with the recipients of the Distinguished Citizen Award at Ned Long Day on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at the Cherokee Youth Center. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
Shiyo nigada,
Hello everyone, my name is Taylor Wilnoty, and I am your 2014 Miss Cherokee! After I was crowned, I have been busy non-stop! But, I have enjoyed every second of it! My first official order of business was the annual Cherokee Indian Fair parade where I had the honor of presenting myself to our community. I had a lot of fun watching the children get so excited to have candy, and it was an amazing feeling to here people say, “Look, there’s Miss Cherokee!”
One of the amazing events I had the privilege of attending was the 15th annual Prayer Breakfast with our local churches and visiting churches from Oklahoma. It was truly inspirational to listen to the choirs sing and worship our Creator. I got to attend every day of the Fair and participate in most of the events held for the community. During Elders Day, I got to help serve lunch to our elder. Do you know how heavy an Indian dinner is?! It was worth every step of the way to serve our elders. I also got to participate in the Fair Veteran’s Day ceremony for our community’s veterans and present some of them with their Quilts of Valor. It was an honor to stand up there with them as their true heroes!
Another event I attended was a get-together for the 50-and-over athletes of the community. These people are an inspiration to us all. Some of these members had three to give medals around their neck. I also got to attend the annual Harvest 5K & Half Marathon where the other princesses and myself got to hand out completion medals to all the runners.
I attended the Substance Use/Abuse In Adolescent Prevention Health Fair where I was able to share my thoughts on substance abuse in our Native community. I also went to the Western Carolina Homecoming Football game where during the halftime Homecoming Ceremony, an EBCI member, Trace Shuler won the title of Homecoming King! I was beyond excited and honored to have my picture taken with him!
I also attended the annual Ned Long Day hosted by the Junaluska Leadership Council. I had the honor of being there and congratulating four tribal elder recipients of the Distinguished Citizens Award. These elders show great devotion and determination to help educate, and better our community.
October was my first month as Miss Cherokee, and it was beyond amazing! If this is any indication of what the rest of the year holds for me, I am so excited! I would like to thank all those who had invited me to attend these events and thank you to everyone that participated. I also want to thank my parents for attending all of the events with me! I love you both!
If you want me to attend an event, please contact Elnora Thompson with your request.
Dedvdagvhiyu~ until next time!
Sgi, thank you!