The Cherokee Runners hosted a special 5K on Saturday, Oct. 11. The inaugural Legends and Tales 5K drew local runners – including the Cherokee High School cross country teams – as well as visitors from South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.

Jenny Bean (left) and Chad Cooper were the top female and male finishers in the inaugural Legends and Tales 5K hosted by the Cherokee Runners on Saturday, Oct. 11. (Photo courtesy of Gerri Grady)
The race started at 7:30am on Highway 441 in front of the Fairgrounds, wound through town on Highway 19 to Casino Trail where runners turned and raced back to the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds.
The top male runner was Chad Cooper with a time of 21:43 while the top female finishers was Jenny Bean with a time of 27:58.
Cherokee Runners officials stated, “We would like to thank the Cherokee Indian Police Department, Cherokee Fire Department, Cherokee Tribal EMS, Cherokee Bottled Water, Right On Time Productions, the Cherokee Cancer Support Group, and the members of Cherokee Runners, family and volunteers that ensured the safety and success of the race.”
“Also, the sponsors of the event are very much appreciated including: Owl Construction; Cherokee Electrical; Cherokee Enterprises; Cherokee Preservation Foundation; Long Term Care Associates, Inc.- Dr. Daniel M. Raiford, DDS; Mountain Ear, Nose & Throat; Dr. Savelle; Dr. Mauldin, and Deb Conseen Bradley.”
The Cherokee Runners are members of the Road Runners Clubs of America and USA Track & Field Association. A portion of the registration fee will be donated to the Cherokee Cancer Support Group. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Age Link Conference Room. Anyone can join regardless of fitness level. Walkers are welcome and all age groups can join.
Info: Visit the Cherokee Runners Facebook page or