Jalon Lossiah (seated) reads to 2nd graders from Ms. Littlejohn’s class at Cherokee Elementary School on Friday, Aug. 23 as E.J. Carroll and Darren Swayney look on. The 2nd graders are shown (left-right) – first row – Olivia Swayney, Kalina Hicks, Ileyeni Wolfe; second row – Dillon Bigwitch, Trevan Lambert, Zebe Rattler, Kiersten Zell; and third row – Jaylynn Brady, Kelly Pete and Julia Gonzalez. (CHS photo)
On Friday, Aug. 23, Cherokee High School students took part in a reading program with second grade students at Cherokee Elementary school. The high school students, who are enrolled in a new course offering called “Education and the Eastern Band of Cherokee”, chose traditional Cherokee stories to share with the second graders and led the elementary students in activities that highlighted Cherokee stories and culture. Some of the stories came from children’s literature, while other students chose to share stories that had been passed down in their family. This activity was the first in a semester-long partnership between high school students and elementary school students designed to give the high school students the opportunity to mentor young students and also strengthen the reading skills of the children.
The course is part of a partnership between Cherokee Central Schools and Appalachian State University. Students enrolled in the class receive both high school and college credits.