Principal Chief Michell Hicks and members of the Tribal Council presented Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) with an EBCI tribal flag for his Washington, DC offices on Friday, March 22. Shown (left-right) front row – Tribal Council Chairman Jim Owle, Painttown Rep. Tommye Saunooke, Cherokee County – Snowbird Rep. Diamond Brown, Congressman Meadows, and Painttown Rep. Terri Henry; back row – Big Cove Rep. Bo Taylor, Birdtown Rep. Tunney Crowe, Yellowhill Rep. David Wolfe, Chief Hicks, and Wolfetown Rep. Mike Parker. (LYNNE HARLAN/EBCI Public Relations)

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC), center, toured the Cherokee Central Schools on Friday, March 22. He visited with students in Cherokee Arts and Crafts class including Tyra Standingdeer (left) and Steven Straughan. (LYNNE HARLAN/EBCI Public Relations)