Vandalism occurred in the parking lot area of the VOC (Vocational Opportunities of Cherokee) building over the weekend. Several vehicles and buildings were spray painted with various messages, but the one that will most affect VOC is a Dodge Grand Caravan that is the main vehicle used to transport clients.

A Dodge Grand Caravan, belonging to the VOC program, was one of several things vandalized over the weekend. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather photos)
“It is extremely sad and disheartening that someone would intentionally vandalize something that we have worked so hard to provide for our tribal members that are developmentally disabled,” said Kim Lambert, VOC executive director. I hope the police find the person(s) responsible and prosecute them to the fullest extent. This takes away from all tribal members that utilize our services and the funds that we use to provide community outings to our clients.”
In addition to the Grand Caravan, an old utility truck and a Ford F-150 were spray painted as were the back end of a tractor trailer located adjacent to the Cherokee Fire Department substation, a shed and building located behind the Fire Department and a picnic table.
Lana Lambert, VOC program coordinator, related that money raised by VOC clients will have to be used to get the paint messages removed from the Grand Caravan. “It’s going to take away from their activities.”
She said the VOC program and clients have been working very hard on a fundraiser selling Bunny Bucks. “There goes their whole profit right there.”
If you have any information on this crime, contact the Cherokee Indian Police Department at 554-6600. To report anonymous crime tips through the WEB reporting service, type in your web browser, or click this link.
To report anonymous crime tips to the Cherokee Indian Police Department through SMS, txt key word SAFEREZ then your tip info, to the number 274637 or CRIMES.