Cherokee High School Sports Marketing Class and the basketball teams hosted the CHS Basketball Alumni Night on Monday, Feb. 7. This was the second annual game that the class recognized former players and cheerleaders at the game.

Sallie Smith Bradley, 97, shoots during a warm-up period during the 2nd Annual CHS Alumni Night on Monday, Feb. 7. Bradley played basketball at Cherokee from 1929-31. (VITA NATIONS/One Feather contributor)
In attendance this year and special guest was Sally Smith Bradley, 97 years young. She played basketball at Cherokee High School from 1929-31.
Prior to the varsity girls game against Hayesville, Bradley attempted a layup with her varsity warm-up on. The Lady Braves were honored to have her sit on the bench during their warm-up time.
Other notable players from the 1950’s in attendance were “Bear” Johnson, Robert Bruce Huskey, Jonah Taylor, Clara Jean Bradley Huskey, Ann Bradley, Delores French Maney, Edith Jackson, Lavern Crowe, and Jesse Maney.
The Marketing class is trying to recapture Cherokee’s basketball history that through the years has been lost in moving and with the loss of previous players. Next year, the Alumni Night will be held during the Robbinsville home game. It is the plan to highlight the “Cheerleaders from the Decades” so ladies get out your old pompoms. Anyone that has pictures or stories that would help us accomplish this should contact Sharon Bradley at the high school.