Be aware of the changes and updates to the EBCI Emergency Management winter storm and snow removal policy when the snow starts to pile up. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
The following are changes and updates to the winter storm and snow removal plan per the EBCI Emergency Management program:
Priority One- those people who are in immediate need of the police, fire or ems departments. (life threatening emergencies).
• EMS-CDOTwill assist as needed to assist the police department, fire department and ambulance service.
• Dialysis transit drivers-transit will notify CDOT of the drivers on call to assist transporting dialysis patients to their appointments.
• Tribal members on oxygen-these requests must be approved by medical personnel before assistance is provided by cdot.
Priority Two– these requests will be completed once priority one requests are completed. These requests must be approved by the appropriate EOC personnel before assistance is provided by CDOT.
• Residents of the Boundary who have chemo therapy appointments, drug therapy appointments or critical medical appointments that could not be rescheduled by patients or eoc at the patient’s request.
• Hospice, home health care, community nurse and case management nurse request.
Priority Three-these requests will be completed once priority two requests are completed. These requests must be approved by EOC personnel and CDOT personnel. These requests will be coordinated with CDOT. Please note these requests could take two-three days to complete the requests.
• Request for fuel trucks to deliver fuel
• Families with handicap members
• EOC will requests assistance based on wellness checks.
Note: The safety and well-being of the CDOT employees will be a factor in honoring any of the above requests.
It is the responsibility of all of the below listed entities to give top priority in lending assistance in emergencies. The routine responsibilities are as follows:
A. DOT: 1. Dialysis center, 2. EOC, 3. Hospital ER/check helipad, 4. Police/UNITY, 5. EMS-bay side, 6. Fire station I, II, III, 7. Transit
B. Facilities: 1. Health & medical, 2. Council house, 3. Youth center, 4. Kituwah Academy, 5. Beloved Women’s and Children’s Center
C. Tribal construction: 1. Domestic violence, 2. Brad Building, 3. Dora Reed Center, 4. Ginger Lynn Complex, 5. EMS Administrative Side
D. Housing: 1. Tsali Manor – pathways, 2. Qualla Housing, 3. Tribal Housing, Emergency Housing, 5. Housing Projects
Cherokee County and Snowbird community
A. Facilities: 1. Jackson Branch, 2. Junaluska House, 3. Cherokee County Senior Citizens, 4. Cherokee County Clinic, 5. Snowbird Complex
B. Ga-du-gi: 1. 1. Dialysis patients, 2. BIA Roads, 3. Snowbird Senior Citizens
After 4:30 pm, the snowbird facility management’s vehicle will be available for all tribal programs and the ga-du-gi group on an as needed basis during the emergency winter storm (due to tribal insurance and maintenance on tribal vehicles, only a tribal facility management employee must operate the vehicle at all times).
Note: CDOT will provide materials/manpower to the Cherokee County and Snowbird community as needed
Emergency shelters
The office of Public Safety/Emergency Management will open shelters in the event that such shelters are needed for the safety and welfare of our citizens. In the event that the emergency shelters are not equipped to address special needs individuals, a team consisting of Emergency Management, EMS, Community Health, Home Health, and Adult Case Management will evaluate each case on an individual basis, and will find suitable care and housing for those individuals who qualify. Only individuals who meet the criteria as listed below will qualify for this assistance.
• Dialysis patients
• Chemo therapy (active) or completed within the last 60 days
• An infant under 6 week
In the event there is a Boundary-wide power outage lasting more than 6 hours the following shelters will be activated:
Phase 1- Nazarene Church and Painttown Recreation Center;
Phase 2-Birdtown Community Center will activate for additional shelter.
Distribution of medications and/or medical supplies during emergencies
During emergency situations or events there is a need to provide certain medications and supplies to patients in need. To best provide this service, the following protocol will be followed.
Applicable departments:
1. Home Health
2. Community Health
3. Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority Pharmacy
4. Cherokee Diabetes Program
Protocol: When emergency preparedness is possible, community health and home health are to remind their patients to refill their medications/supplies in preparation of an upcoming emergency situations or event (ex, pending snow storm).
When patients call for medications/supplies, identify which department the patient uses. Once identified, inform applicable department of patient request.
Community Health and Home Health will assist their patients per patients request; if unable the eoc will be contacted. Upon delivery of medications/supplies, these departments are to fill out the EOC medication/supply delivery verification form and attain the required signatures from both the nurse and the patient (or approved caretaker for patient).
If medications from the Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority Pharmacy must be delivered to a patient by a proxy, the EOC medication/supply verification form must be signed by the proxy, the patient and a witness.
Under this protocol, only a minimum emergency supply of medications/supplies will be provided a patient. Amount provided to be determined by emergency situation of event, but not to exceed a five (5) day supply.
Diabetic supplies to be distributed through the Cherokee Diabetes Program as necessary. If distributed by proxy, the EOC medication/supply delivery verification form must be signed by the proxy, the patient and a witness.
All patient’s charts shall be checked for “red flags” that identify persons that cannot sign for patient’s medications or supplies. Should a “red flag” exist, such person must be identified on eoc form. Such persons cannot sign for patient’s medications or supplies.
No narcotics are to be delivered to any patient under this EOC protocol. If this results in an unusual health situation, these patients are to be taken directly to the Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority emergency room for further evaluation.
All original EOC medication/supply delivery verification forms are to be returned to the EOC to be taken to the hospital to file in patient’s chart. A duplicate copy will be given to patient upon delivery of medications and/or supplies.
David is the assistant coordinator and 911 technician for the EBCI Emergency Management/911 program.