CHS Class hosts 1st Annual Alumni Night
The Sports and Entertainment Marketing class from Cherokee High School hosted the first annual Basketball & Cheerleader Alumni Night on Monday, Feb. 8. Many former players from the past six decades attended the game between Cherokee and Rosman.
The students were graced with the presence of two former players that wore the maroon and gold in the late 20’s and early 30’s. Mary Sneed and Sarah Smythe, residents of Cherokee, sat courtside to enjoy the games. They were presented a blanket from the CHS booster club for being the two eldest ladies at the game, both in their youth at 95 years old.
Robert Bruce Huskey was the oldest male player in attendance. Earl Taylor presented the school with two of his team pictures to commemorate his awards and contribution to Cherokee High School.
Freeman Owle acted as host for the alumni and Sylvester Crowe told the story of how Cherokee Schools adopted maroon and gold as their colors. Many alumni shared photos and stories as the Braves took a clean sweep of Rosman.
The Marketing Class related, “Thank you to all the players who came out to show your support. The class would like to thank CHS Booster Club, CBC, Ray Kinsland, Trish Tramper, Alyne Stamper, Mrs. Rogers, and Emaline Kalonaheskie for their contribution to the success of this event. We look forward to planning this event next year.”