By Scott Freeman
Cherokee Middle School

The 4-H RezBots jump for joy after a successful scrimmage. (Photos courtesy of Cherokee Middle School Yearbook staff)
On Saturday, Nov. 21, Cherokee Middle School’s 4-H RezBot teams competed in the FIRST LEGO League’s Western North Carolina scrimmage at Southwestern Community College. The scrimmage was sponsored by SCC GEAR UP.
The Teams worked on programming robots, made presentations about this year’s topic of Smart Moves, and demonstrated how they work together as a team. The four Cherokee teams are: A-Wo-Ha-Li, The Terminators, Team Unknown, and The 8th Grade Plus That Other Kid.
The Terminators won the Spirit Award and The 8th Grade Plus That Other Kid won the Presentation award and Best Robot Run. All the Teams will attend the State Regional Tournament on Jan. 23, 2010 at Western Carolina University. Teams that do well at the regional tournament will be invited to the state tournament in Greensboro on Feb. 20, 2010.

Team Unknown watch their robot on the table. Left to Right: Mack Lackey, Jared Panther, Olivia LaCombe, Aidan Galloway, and Simon Montelongo
The four teams related they wish to thank all of their supporters including: 4-H of Cherokee, SCC GEAR UP, The Cherokee’s, Qualla Housing Authority, Apple Construction, Vocational Opportunities of Cherokee, Panther Construction, and Cherokee Tribal Gaming Commission.
If you have any questions about CMS’s RezBot teams and the FISRT Lego League please contact Scott Freeman at 554-5026 ext. 14229.