Submitted by Ahli-sha Littlejohn
The Cherokee Braves and Lady Braves wrapped up their Cross Country season this past Wednesday, Oct. 7 at Hiwassee Dam. For the next two weeks, these young runners will prepare for the conference championship also being held at Hiwassee Dam.
The Lady Braves had three runners place individually in the top 16 including: Jordyn Thompson (8th place), Paige Jackson (10th place), and Shayna Ledford (16th place). Gerald Mahan took 23rd place for the Braves men’s team, and Wesley Bird, with a much improved run, came in at 34th place.
The varsity Braves and Lady Braves teams will have a week off to prepare for the Conference Championship where they will be competing for a spot at the Regional Meet.
The JV Lady Braves each brought home a medal for their top 5 finishes. Avery Mintz finished in 4th place and Kendall Toineeta finished in 5th place.
The JV Braves have had a taste of first place and are not settling for anything less. For the third consecutive week in a row, the middle school boys team brought home the first place plaque.
Russell Bigmeat had a challenging race as a Robbinsville and a Franklin runner kept up with him the entire race. However, in the last 100 feet Russell blew them away with another 1st place win. This will make Bigmeat’s fourth consecutive week with a 1st place finish.
He was followed in order by Levi Swearengin, Darius Thompson, Kennan Bradley, Hunter Lambert, EJ Carroll, Dylan Thompson and Chayton Thompson.
Cherokee Cross Country wins big at Hiwassee, preparing for Conference