Tribal Court Judgment Summary for May 4

by May 5, 2021NEWS ka-no-he-da


Bradley, Jessica Alane

14-95.5(c) Drugs: Simple Possession of Marijuana – Dismissed, No Discovery

20-138.1(a) Driving While Impaired – Dismissed, No Discovery


Junaluska, Nina Marie

14-95.6(b) Drugs: Manufacturing, Selling or Delivering, Possessing with Intent to Sell or Deliver Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V – Dismissed on Plea

14-95.5(a) Drugs: Possessing a Controlled Substance Classified in Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V – Dismissed on Plea

14-30.6 Child Abuse in the Second Degree – Guilty, 120 days suspended, placed on supervised probation for no long than one year and must cooperate with Family Safety recommendations


Smith, John Patrick

14-95.5(a) Drugs: Possessing a Controlled Substance Classified in Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V – Dismissed, No Labs Sent


Wolfe, Dara Chantia

14-70.14 Obstructing Governmental Functions – Dismissed, No Discovery