Young Artist Showcase reception

Aug. 5 from 5-6pm at the Qualla Arts & Crafts Mutual.  The Showcase is on display now at the Qualla Arts & Crafts Mutual in the gallery.  Traditional basketry and pottery by local youth will be featured.  Info: Heather Driver 554-5004

Indian Dinner Fundraiser

July 25 at 11am at the Yellowhill Community Building.  $8/plate for bean bread, chicken, fried taters, cabbage, fatback, dessert and drink.  All proceeds will go towards travel expenses to Red Clay, Tenn. for the Wolfetown Stickball team.  Call or text for deliveries...

Upcoming Pow Wows for Aug. 1-3

Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff.  The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent.  Please call before traveling.  21st Annual Suscol Intertribal Council Pow Wow. ...