Park summer closings for historic preservation efforts

by Jul 18, 2014Happenings0 comments

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Historic Preservation Crew announced an updated timeline for repairs to the Hiram Caldwell House in Cataloochee in addition to upcoming closures for the Noah Bud Ogle Cabin along Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail and partial closures along the flagstone walkways at Newfound Gap.

The Noah Bud Ogle Cabin along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail will be temporarily closed this summer for a needed wood shake roof replacement. (NPS photo)

The Noah Bud Ogle Cabin along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail will be temporarily closed this summer for a needed wood shake roof replacement. (NPS photo)

The Hiram Caldwell House in Cataloochee will be closed for an extra week to complete repairs and repaint the exterior. The house has been closed since Monday, June 9 and is expected to be open by Saturday, July 26.

Repairs to the Noah Bud Ogle Cabin on Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail will begin on Monday, July 21. The cabin will be closed to the public until Friday, Aug. 15 to replace the wood shake roof. The cabin will be accessible to the public on Saturdays and Sundays, but temporary fencing will be in place during the week to ensure visitor and staff safety.  The parking area which serves the cabin will be open continually, but three spaces will be reserved Monday through Thursday for use by the Historic Preservation Crew.

Repair work at the Rockefeller monument at Newfound Gap will occur from Monday, Aug. 4 until Tuesday, Sept. 30 allowing the preservation crew to reset and re-grout the flagstone walks. Park staff will place signs and barricades around the affected areas as the work progresses, removing them once the walkways are safe for visitor traffic. Work will be conducted Monday through Thursday during normal business hours. Access to the monument and comfort stations will remain open.

For more information about historic structures in the park, please visit the park website at