The Cherokee Community Wellness team hosted its 2nd annual Spring Fitness Frenzy on Thursday, March 29 at the Ginger Lynn Welch Complex. The goal of the event was to promote physical fitness among the Cherokee communities.

Bryan Kinsey (front in yellow shirt) leads an interval training class at the 2nd Annual Spring Fitness Frenzy held on Thursday, March 29. (Photos courtesy of Cherokee Community Wellness Team)
Participants were able to try a 15 minute workout including Cherokee Aerobics, featuring Daniel Tramper (three-time time World Champion Hoop Dancer) and Teresa Reed of Big Y; step aerobics with Tara Mc Coy and Michelle Ledford from Birdtown; interval training with Jennifer Brown and Bryan Kinsey from Cherokee Diabetes; Personal Training session with Skye Littledave and Kimsey Taylor of the Cherokee Life Center; and yoga with Renee Mulligan and Robin Callahan of Cherokee Choices.
Other activities included the Stop Light Guide and Fast Food Game with Joan Parks of Qualla Youth Health Clinic and Sis Cabe of Women’s Wellness, blood pressure and BMI (body mass index) check with Andrea Crisp, RN from Community Health, and learning about the Cherokee Riders Cycling Club and Remembering the Removal bike ride from Sheena Kanott, Cherokee Choices Program Manager and a 2011 Remembering the Removal rider who finished 950 miles.
After participants finished their workout, they enjoyed a kale, tropical or strawberry banana smoothie sponsored by Cherokee Food Lion from smoothie makers Catcuce Tiger, of Cherokee Choices, and Laura Cabe, Child and Nutrition Director of Cherokee Central Schools.
Over 60 participants came out to enjoy the event and have a chance to win one of the 10 raffle prizes including blenders, yoga mats, Itunes and Food Lion gift cards. All participants received a Cherokee Choices Fitness DVD and Cherokee Diabetes workout towel. Birdtown had the most participants winning the community competition and earned a $50 Food Lion gift card for their community club. Big Cove was a close second in the community competition.
The Cherokee Community Wellness Team related they would like to extend gratitude to the following:
* Principal Chief Hicks for granting administrative leave for employees to attend and for CCWT members to work the event.
* Tribal supervisors for allowing their employees to volunteer at and participate in the event
* Cherokee Food Lion for sponsoring the Smoothie Station
* Cherokee Diabetes for donating the work out towels
* Shawn Crowe for copying the Cherokee Choices Work out DVDs
* Cherokee Community Wellness Team volunteers mentioned above including Phyllis Shell of Big Cove, for working the sign-in table all day, greeting everyone with a smile and making us all laugh; and Mollie Littlejohn of Soco for set-up and assistance, and for always being there when we need you.
– Cherokee Community Wellness Team