Butch Goings (center) cuts the cake commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Qualla Arts and Crafts Mutual, Inc. at a celebration on Saturday, Aug. 13 as Davy Arch, vice president of the Mutual’s board of directors and Miss Cherokee Tonya Carroll look on. Arch was also a guest speaker for the event along with Anna Fariello from Western Carolina University. Cherokee artists were on hand to demonstrate their skills in basketry, carving, painting, and pottery. The new timeline exhibit was installed for this event that features significant markers in the organization’s history. Beth Johnson was also present working on a basketry square for the Mutual’s building. Chrissy Arch, event management specialist with Plan Ahead Events organized the celebration and was present during the event. (Photos courtesy of Qualla Arts & Crafts Mutual, Inc.)

Davy Arch was one of two guest speakers at the anniversary event.Louise Goings works on a basket during the event.